ये मेरे project में इस्तेमाल हुई कुछ pressure vessel models हैं। इन models का ही प्रयोग मैंने ANSYS में simulation के लिए किया था। इनके अलावा कुछ और models मैंने ANSYS में ही generate किया था।
These are some of the pressure vessel models used in my project. I have used these models in ANSYS for simulation. There are some other models that I have generated in ANYS.
These are some of the pressure vessel models used in my project. I have used these models in ANSYS for simulation. There are some other models that I have generated in ANYS.
इनके अलावा मैं mechanical equipments को भी model कर सकता हूँ।
Other than these, I can also model mechanical equipment.
Other than these, I can also model mechanical equipment.